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Rob Van Orsdol Wins $10,000 Cash Prize at Agri-Turf’s 5th Annual Golf Tournament

By August 15, 2019January 21st, 2025Golf News, News, Pest Management News, Turf & Landscape News

Rob Van Orsdol of Premium Termite and Pest Control in Lancaster, Calif., hit a hole-in-one on the last hole of Agri-Turf’s 5th Annual Charity Golf Tournament winning a $10,000.00 cash prize.  Nobody was more surprised than Van Orsdol who stated after making the shot on the last hole of the tournament, “I didn’t know why everybody was yelling.  I didn’t realize I was on the contest hole until I looked up and saw the sign!” Congratulations Rob!

Rob Van Orsdol of Premium Termite poses with Mike Goza, Bryan Bailey and Tony Farchione.